Antedating of "Soccer"

Shapiro, Fred fred.shapiro at YALE.EDU
Wed Feb 27 16:01:15 UTC 2013

The OED's first use for the word "soccer" in that spelling is dated 1895.

For the spelling "socca," their first use is 1889.

For the spelling "socker," their first use is 1891.

Evan Kirshenbaum has posted the following antedatings on alt.usage.english:

The 'Varsity played Aston Villa and were beaten after a very
    excitnig game; this was pre-eminently the most important "Socker"
    game played in Oxford this term; ...

                              _The Oldhallian_, December, 1885

    It is a noteworthy fact, that though so keen a "soccer" player,
    Mr. Tannock's original game was Rugby at which he is equally

                              _The Carthusian_, October, 1886

Fred Shapiro

The American Dialect Society -

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