taboo avoidance--once stung...

Victor Steinbok aardvark66 at GMAIL.COM
Thu Feb 28 20:05:31 UTC 2013

Excerpt follows...

Jeremy Clements explains remark
Updated: February 28, 2013, 1:04 PM ET
By Marty Smith | ESPN

> Nationwide Series driver Jeremy Clements explained in detail Thursday
> exactly how he finds himself suspended indefinitely from NASCAR
> competition.
> In a one-on-one interview with ESPN, Clements would not verbalize the
> specific comments he made, but when pressed for clarity about whether
> or not it was racial, he paused. Asked again, "Was it racial or not?
> Maybe not in context, but in term?" Clements replied: "Correct."
> "When you say 'racial' remark, it wasn't used to describe anybody or
> anything," Clements said. "So that's all I'm going to say to that. And
> it really wasn't. I was describing racing, and the word I used was
> incorrect and I shouldn't have said it. It shouldn't be used at all."
> ...
> According to Clements, the NASCAR employee asked him if he knew the
> location of driver Johanna Long's transporter. He did, and said he
> escorted the pair to the transporter personally.
> "And while we're walking they started, he [MTV] started, asking me
> questions," Clements said. "And it wasn't recorded. We were just
> talking. So I said one remark about how I wouldn't ..."
> He stopped short.
> "I can't say that part," he said.

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