"Main Street" (was "down train")

James A. Landau <JJJRLandau@netscape.com> JJJRLandau at NETSCAPE.COM
Mon Jan 14 13:58:27 UTC 2013

On Sun, 13 Jan 2013 17:16:06 Zulu minus 0500 Dan Goncharoff <thegonch at GMAIL.COM> wrote:

>In the US, many cities and towns have grown over the decades and
>centuries -- a street may have been the main street of the community
>when it was named, even if it no longer is.
>In NYC, there is a Main St. -- in Flushing, Queens, where it still
>serves as the main drag of Flushing Chinatown.

"Main Street" was well-enough known by 1920 that Sinclair Lewis could use it as the title for a novel.

Off-topic: a friend of mine posed the following trivia question about the New York subway system:  Many
stations have names that reference water.  Find a station whose name has two references to water.

The answer was supposed to have been something like "Ocean Avenue - Aqueduct" but somebody came up with
a better answer: "Main Street - Flushing"

      - Jim Landau

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