ILL, the verb

Hugo hugovk at GMAIL.COM
Mon Jan 28 12:10:30 UTC 2013

A couple more from Usenet.

 Cthulhu's Jersey Epopt, July 27 1990, rec.arts.sf-lovers:

"Unfortunately for memory, I now live some 60 miles from the library I
first borrowed SPHERELAND from. *  Even if they still had the book, I
couldn't get at it easily.  And it's not worth the effort to ILL the thing
from somewhere else."

Marty Rosen, December 25 1991, bit.listserv.words-l:

"I'm reasonably sure the paper is only of peripheral interest to real
economists, but it's quite interesting to me, and I want to see it.  I
could ILL it, if I had a real citation."



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