a new (or at least unregistered) eggcorn--"rapt with guilt"

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Thu Jul 4 18:48:20 UTC 2013

>From a comment in the discussion on The A. V. Club of one of the recent Mad Men episodes; other comments caught the poster on it, and he corrects himself, sort of:

Carnivorous Danus:
I was so fucking confident the build up was to the doorman getting fired over Sally breaking in, and blah blah blah she's rapt with guilt. Nice fake out, Mad Men.

editrix [figures--LH]:
"rapt with guilt": I love it!

Carnivorous Danus:
Racked! Ah, well that'll teach me to stay up for the article.

Sunshine fiasco:
"Wracked" with guilt.

The eggcorn database has "wrapped" or "rapped" for "rapt", as in "in wrapped attention", but no instances of "rapt with guilt".  52 actual g-hits for this, some repeated.


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