The lonely shepherd

Benjamin Barrett gogaku at IX.NETCOM.COM
Thu Jun 6 06:16:28 UTC 2013

It appears the same thing happens to the cowherd/oxherd in recounting the tale of the Weaver Girl and the Cowherd. There are a lot of people who refer to the cowherd as a shepherd. It appears that he might actually herd sheep in some versions (, though, so it's not 100% clear, but I suspect at least some cases are due to people not used to the word "cowherd."

Benjamin Barrett
Seattle, WA

On Jun 5, 2013, at 8:47 PM, Neal Whitman <nwhitman at AMERITECH.NET> wrote:

> In this article about ChicagoO'Hare Airport employing goats to graze on
> the runways to keep them free of grass and weeds, there's this sentence:
> The herd of 25 goats will be transported to O'Hare from the nearby
> suburb of Barrington Hills in about a month, along with a shepherd who
> will oversee them ....
> What, not a goatherd?
> Neal

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