eggcorn or simple misspelling?

ADSGarson O'Toole adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM
Fri Jun 14 21:38:24 UTC 2013

Laurence Horn wrote:
> I received a request from a senior scholar today who was
>>  wondering if you would be interested in writing a forward for our
>> new book
> Since "forward" is a lot more common than "foreword", it's possible that the writer really thinks that a preface is designed to move the book forward, whence the reanalysis as a specialized nominal sense of the adjective/adverb (after all, that's what happened with the forward in basketball, hockey, or soccer, right?), or whether the writer simply thinks of them as two separate lexical items that just happen to be spelled the same, in which case it's not a eggcorn at all. Or whether it's a simple lapsus digiti.  Hard to know.

The Eggcorn Database - v. 0.5
foreword » forward

A discussion:

My unsolicited advice is to put some of the oft mentioned ambiguous
eggcorns into the database and discuss the ambiguity. This has already
been accomplished for some items.

If the pair eminent/imminent are not placed in the database then their
next submission will occur soon. Indeed, one might say the next
submission is eminently imminent.

The American Dialect Society -

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