ADSGarson O'Toole
adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM
Wed Feb 5 05:18:58 UTC 2014
Wilson Gray wrote
> The publication-date of this book predates the release-date - 1967 - of the
> song, "Different Strokes," by Syl Johnson, by six years. It's possible that
> a view of the preceding matter in the book will show that Lambert's use of
> the phrase is different from that of Johnson. IAC, the song was
> written by Johnny
> Cameron and John Zachary - whoever they are/were - and not by Johnson. So,
> that's it, then.
> A Study of the Roles of Attitudes and Motivation in Second Language
> Learning: Final Technical Report, November 25, 1961, Volume 2, Page 5
> Wallace E. Lambert - 1961 - =E2=80=8ESnippet view
> "And l think this is the most important element to retain[:] _different
> strokes for different folks!_"
Wilson and fellow ADS-Lers: The date given by GB is inaccurate in this
case, I believe. Here is a discussion of the detection and diagnosis
of this problem that may be helpful to others.
If you probe the volume by searching for 1971 then snippets are
displayed that indicate that parts of the volume (data object) were
actually published after 1971.
Short link
Apparently, two or more books have been pasted together electronically
in the database. This is a known error mechanism in GB. To try to
locate the second book containing the target quotation I grabbed a
phrase that was visible in a snippet containing 1971. i.e., "working
with youngsters in Kansas city".
Searching GB for this phrase presented a match in the following book:
Year: 1972
Title: Let's try doing something else kind of thing: behavioral
principles and the exceptional child, a report
Author: Council for Exceptional Children
Searching for the word "strokes" in the 1972 volume and in the
incorectly labeled 1961 volume produced closely matching snippets.
Both are labeled page 5:
Short link
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