Wine in front of me

Benjamin Barrett gogaku at IX.NETCOM.COM
Thu Feb 6 07:50:21 UTC 2014

According to the Mafia Wiki (, "wine in front of me" or WIFOM refers to a situation where you are trying to make a strategic calculation about what to do, and you take into account that another person is acting with the full knowledge that you will be taking their actions into account.

For example, if someone brings out two glasses of wine and you think one might be poisoned, do you take the one put in front of you, or take the one in front of the other person because yours might be poisoned? Or do you take the wine in front of you because you think the other person figured you would take the other person's?

The Mafia Wiki says it comes from the 1987 movie "The Princess Bride."

Benjamin Barrett
Formerly of Seattle, WA

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