"the whole nine"

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Tue Feb 11 01:46:41 UTC 2014

CBS Evening News tonight, Feb. 10.  (I don't see a video or text of
this yet, but perhaps others can recover it.)  I apologize for approximations.

The news it that Michael Sam, a senior and defensive lineman at the
Univ. of Missouri, has publicly stated that he is gay, so that if he
makes an NFL team next season he will be the first openly gay player
in a "major" sport.

(Apparently soccer is not "major"; there are known gays (e.g., Robbie
Rogers) and lesbians (e.g., Abby Wambach) playing on US soccer teams,
professional and national.)

An NFL player, being interviewed about possible reaction from other
players, said (essentially) imagine one in the locker room, next to
you, naked, in the shower, "the whole nine."

(The interviewee, like Sam, is black, so this is not white-racist
penile stereotyping or locker-room anxiety.)


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