A couple of heards:

Mark Mandel thnidu at GMAIL.COM
Mon Jan 20 20:32:04 UTC 2014

No disapproval.

Ah, I didn't realize you meant prevocalic in the sentence. Oops, my miss.

NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!


On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 8:19 AM, W Brewer <brewerwa at gmail.com> wrote:

> MM: <<Almost all of these verbs have strong preterites, so adding the weak
> ending isn't that surprising.>>
> WB:  It surprises the hell out of me. Rather I revel in the variation of MY
> SPEECH forms, some of which you are apparently unacquainted with and
> possibly disapprove of?
> MM: <<I don't see what you're calling prevocalic intrusive [d]>>
> WB: <I tore*my pants> (tore is pre-consonantal). <I tored*a ligament>
> (tored is pre-vocalic).  Hmm... Am I flapping the <r>? <He stole my pencil,
> he stoled a pencil.>   VR+C, VRd+V. The <d> is intruding, hence it is an
> intrusive, no doubt weak preterite, d. <cost me my job, cost(ed) us a
> fortune>. This is news to me. Historical and categorical details are
> givens.
> MM: <<I know "sweated" as the only preterite of "sweat", a regular verb.
>  I've never heard "sweat" as preterite>>
> WB: Now you have. OED marks pret. <sweat> as archaic; alive & well in
> Webster's
> 3rd, i.e. U.S. dialectally attested.
> MM: (pret. sweat <<would be the opposite of doubling (preterite halving?),
> an innovative strong form going opposite to the disambiguating doubling in
> costed and knitted.>>
> WB: Okay, I was unaware that Anglo-Saxon <swae:tan> was a weak verb, until
> I just looked it up. That's handy to know. But irrelevant in my reaction to
> WG's examples <likeded, -eyeded, -haireded, stoppeded, runneded>, which was
> to add some FRESH DATA to a list of phenomena. We weren't expecting the
> Spanish Inquisition in an informal discussion list.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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