
Benjamin Barrett gogaku at IX.NETCOM.COM
Tue Jun 10 04:25:26 UTC 2014

A little difficult to follow, but to use the idea of a grid I proposed in my e-mail today titled "Cishet and Q permutations," I read these terms as simply using only one variable for sex or gender (plus additional verbiage for personal history).

Writing out my grid (formatted for e-mail) with A meaning matching the self and B not:

Straight, cissexual, cisgender person:
O (sexual orientation) = B
S = A
G = A

(That is, a straight person's sexual orientation does not match their sex or gender because they have a sexual preference for someone of a different sex/gender.)

Gay, cissexual, cisgender person:
O =  A
S = A
G = A

Bisexual, cissexual, cisgender person:
O = A, B
S = A
G = A

Intersexual, cissexual, cisgender person:
O = A
S = A, B (or A > B as intersexuality does not come 50-50)
G = A

Serano's terms I believe are simply single-variable terms in such a grid:
Cissexual person:
S = A

Cisgender person:
G = A

For third and fourth genders, the letters C and D could be utilized.

Benjamin Barrett
Formerly of Seattle, WA

Learn Ainu!

On Jun 9, 2014, at 5:44 PM, Jonathan Lighter <wuxxmupp2000 at GMAIL.COM> wrote:

> Wikipedia:
> "Julia Serano has defined *cissexual* as 'people who are not transsexual
> and who have only ever experienced their mental and physical sexes as being
> aligned', while cisgender is a slightly narrower term for those who do not
> identify as transgender (a larger cultural category than the more clinical
> transsexual)."
> Got that?
> JL

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