Phrase: Google-proof trivia, Google-proof questions

ADSGarson O'Toole adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM
Mon Jun 30 21:05:05 UTC 2014

The excerpt below explains the notion of Google-proof trivia.

[Begin excerpt]
"Any question you ask I can just look up online and give the answer."
Not so. We pride ourselves on the fact that none of the Google Proof
Trivia we create can be solved by simply typing the question into the
Google machine. You will need to create research paths and delve into
the depths of the Internet to answer Google Proof Trivia. You will
need to involve your friends and ask your co-workers. You will never
simply just KNOW the answer to Google Proof Trivia... you are going to
have to work for it!
[End excerpt]

Computers have been augmenting the human-intellect in more powerful
ways. Perhaps phrases of this type will grow in popularity.


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