editiorial mish-mashing

David Barnhart dbarnhart at HIGHLANDS.COM
Mon Mar 31 14:08:17 UTC 2014

od-security-humankind> The Guardian says the report concludes that climate
change is "already having effects in real time - melting sea ice and thawing
permafrost in the Arctic, killing off coral reefs in the oceans, and leading
to heat waves, heavy rains and mega-disasters. And the worst was yet to
come. Climate change posed a threat to global food stocks, and to human
security, the blockbuster report said."

This excerpt from NPR is troubling.  It starts out in the present
progressive tense (i.e. is having, [is] melting . and thawing., killing .,
and leading..).  However the next sentence is "And the worst was yet to
come.  Climate change posed a threat.."  The cause of the discontinuity of
tense was caused by hasty editorial extraction without due process (i.e.
proofreading the consequent copy).  It is sloppy at best and totally inept
at worst.

Is this a disease and, like global warming, got [sic] worse?



barnhart at highlands.com

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