"Paris syndrome" -- not in OED

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Tue Sep 23 00:11:54 UTC 2014

2014 New York Times Sept 21, 6/5 (NE Edition), Dan Bilefsky, "Chinese 
Tourists Find a Movable Feast Left Behind".

"Psychologists warned that Chinese tourists shaken by thieves and 
dashed expectations were at risk for Paris Syndrome, a condition in 
which foreigners suffer depression, anxiety, feelings of persecution 
and even hallucinations when their rosy images of Champagne, majestic 
architecture and Monet are upended by the stresses of a city whose 
natives are also known for being among the unhappiest people on the planet.

"The expression was first coined 30 years ago by a Paris-based 
Japanese psychiatrist, Hiroaki Ota, after several Japanese visitors 
to Paris fell ill when their culture of politeness and reserve rubbed 
up against Gallic haughtiness."


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