[Ads-l] A Christmas Schlong (verb) (UNCLASSIFIED)

Mullins, Bill CIV (US) william.d.mullins18.civ at MAIL.MIL
Wed Dec 23 16:50:56 UTC 2015


_The Campus_ [CCNY Student Newspaper] 12/22/1965 p 4

The political sense of schlong?  Or Garson's 1954 sense?

*******quote starts******

A Christmas Poem

We dedicate this song of Yule
To shadow tuition and 'no comment' Buell
To swinging hammocks and Allegaroo
And Ostroff's rally-what else is new?
To City U's financial crisis
A tuition charge?-don't like the prices
To Gustave G. and the BHE
And their undivided fealty.

Let's take a snort and give a hand
To Chancellor Bowker and his merry band
To Sid Taylor who fixed the book
And got this by hook or crook
To fetuses and their funny faces
In Shepard Hall and other places
To Henry Roth who called it sleep
To Joe Berger, the hired peep.

We lift the cup and take a drink
That the CCNY Victory shouldn't sink
To the Film Institute that shouldn't close
To Professor Turk, hold your nose
To DSL who gave us a chair
To Edward G. Robinson . . . nyah
To curriculum revision still awaited
And nervous teachers soon to be rated.

We tip our cup and down a toast
To the Ayn Rand Society and the Holy Ghost
To makeup man Al a personal plea
Try to distinguish page 2 from page 3
To New York voters, find another
To the Amsterdam News, ah, your mother.
To coeds on campus, look out at night .
The police dogs are trained to attack on sight.

With bitter wine we'll break the fast
To suspended publication that didn't last
To Profesor McKelvie and his beautiful face
To the Alumni Association's Peyton Place
To sports fields in St. Nicholas Park
To the embittered scholar, Kenneth Clark
To the Student Congress brave and new
To the Councilmen whom we see through.

Blackberry brandy and tea we'll brew
For all the students who can't fit in the shoe
For our SG execs all upright and fine
And our talkative prexy who may give us the time.
And for all of those we didn't schlong
We must be doing something wrong
And to all for whom exams draw near
A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.

*******quote ends******

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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