[Ads-l] Centennial of "Jazz"

Shapiro, Fred fred.shapiro at YALE.EDU
Thu Jun 4 02:24:04 UTC 2015

Thanks for the suggestion, John.  I have followed up on it by emailing the Chicago Tribune.  We'll see if they respond -- I'm pretty good at getting coverage from the New York Times, less so with other newspapers.

Fred Shapiro

From: American Dialect Society [ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU] on behalf of Baker, John [JBAKER at STRADLEY.COM]
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 3:57 PM
Subject: Centennial of "Jazz"

The earliest known use of "jazz" to refer to music was in the Chicago Daily Tribune on July 11, 1915, the knowledge of which was first disseminated to ADS-L by Fred Shapiro on May 15, 2004.  I believe the post to ADS-L may have been the first broadcast anywhere, but Fred can correct me if I am wrong.  In just over a month will be the centennial of the Daily Tribune article, which in a way may also be seen as the centennial of jazz music.  It seems like there might be broad public interest in the anniversary; has any thought been given to marking it?

John Baker

The American Dialect Society - https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.americandialect.org&d=AwIF-g&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=sRkhHMQo6W5Ird1lkQFqb23bCfSHAR2XjUSUG53db5M&m=-49w5muysIi0_SoYblK3pgSqg2S_-AExrJ9EEl795pQ&s=Eb-XyZOeO1_21Do1FscAYhp7k7mqNnFdnJIwuddulpg&e=

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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