[Ads-l] "illegal immigrant" as politically incorrect

W Brewer brewerwa at GMAIL.COM
Sat Nov 28 04:51:24 UTC 2015

English <illegal immigration>.
French <immigration ille'gale> (au Canada), ou <immigration clandestine>
France), ou parfois <immigration irre'gulie`re>.
Spanish <inmigracio'n irregular> o <inmigracio'n ilegal>.
German <illegale Einwanderung>, auch <illegale Migration> oder <irregula"re

​English ​
<clandestine immigration> 518K ghits, has a cloak & dagger appeal to it,
applicable to Daesh-ing young jihadis, fifth columnists in the current
Syrian Vo"lkerwanderung.

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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