[Ads-l] of interest to someone here, perhaps?

Robin Hamilton robin.hamilton3 at VIRGINMEDIA.COM
Sun Sep 11 16:23:11 UTC 2016

Also, I'm not sure whether "padduc=frog" should strictly be described as
unattested, given the fully-attested existence of puddock for the same creature.

Not in the OED, but Standard Medieval Scots, as in Henryson's "The Puddock and
the Mouse".

I'm sure the SLD will have something pertinent anent this.

Robin Hamilton

(Just rechecked, and the OED *does* notice the term [though not citing
Henryson], as a spelling variant of paddock, n.1, which makes the Unattested
Status of the Frog even less explicable.   R.)

>     On 11 September 2016 at 17:01 Dave Hause <dwhause at CABLEMO.NET> wrote:
>     Is galt (pig) a lost noun or was it just vowel-shifted to gilt (a young
>     sow)?
>     Dave Hause
>     -----Original Message-----
>     From: George Thompson
>     Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2016 1:55 AM
>     Subject: of interest to someone here, perhaps?
>     From a review in TLS of July 22, 2016 by Jonathan Dore, "deputy publishing
>     <https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/?hidden-keywords=9780199656431&tag=nu0ab-21>*,
>     *Carole
>     Hough, editor, 800pp. Oxford University Press. £95 (US $155).
>     The most successful and engaging chapters are those that dig deepest.
> Julia
>     Kuhn on rural names reminds us that named natural features are not
>     restricted to large structures such as rivers and mountains, but can
>     encompass fields, clearings and copses, whose names can offer unique
>     information not recorded elsewhere. Richard Jones in his chapter on
>     archaeology provides just such an example - a Tudor field name near
>     Chichester, Fittenhalle ("fallen hall") whose meaning only became clear in
>     1960 when Fishbourne Roman palace was discovered in it. A different kind
> of
>     archaeology is evident in Alison Grant's chapter on lexicography, which
>     sets out what rich discoveries still await scholars using names to
>     reconstruct a now lost vocabulary of common nouns and adjectives that, in
>     millennia past, gave rise to them. Ean, galt, padduc and tige -
>     respectively lamb, pig, frog and goat - are all putative animal names in
>     Old English unattested in surviving texts but reconstructable from place
>     names. And among known vocabulary as well, a place name can provide
>     evidence that a constituent word was in use at a certain time, perhaps
> much
>     earlier than its earliest surviving appearance in the literature.
>     Ante-dating words - the attempt to find earlier instances than those
>     currently known - is one of the key aims of the third edition of the
> Oxford
>     English Dictionary, in progress since 2000 and now for the first time
>     finally getting to grips with onomastic sources.
>     GAT--
>     George A. Thompson
>     The Guy Who Still Looks Stuff Up in Books.
>     Author of A Documentary History of "The African Theatre", Northwestern
>     Univ. Pr., 1998.
>     But when aroused at the Trump of Doom / Ye shall start, bold kings, from
>     your lowly tomb. . . .
>     L. H. Sigourney, "Burial of Mazeen", *Poems*. Boston, 1827, p. 112
>     ------------------------------------------------------------
>     The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org
>     ------------------------------------------------------------
>     The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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