[Ads-l] Kibosh

Flourish Klink flourish.klink at GMAIL.COM
Tue Sep 13 13:57:30 UTC 2016

If "KAHY-bosh" is supposed to sound like "KAY-bosh" (said the way that the
woman's name Kay is said) then I have heard it. I believe from Utahn
relatives, but I am not positive—it's just filed in my brain as "a normal
but slightly unusual way to say kibosh."

On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 2:57 AM David Daniel <dad at coarsecourses.com> wrote:

> So, today's WOTD from Merriam-Webster is kibosh. They claim it's pronounced
> KAHY-bosh, which freaked me out. So I checked Oxford - KAHY-bosh - and
> Dictionary.com - KAHY-bosh - though they do acknowledge ki-BOSH also, which
> is the point. I have said ki-BOSH all my life and have been racking my
> brain
> to remember if I have ever heard anyone say KAHY-bosh in all my years.
> Nope,
> can't think of a sole soul. Anyone out there say KAHY-bosh instead of
> ki-BOSH? The rain put the KAHY-bosh on our picnic? No! The rain put the
> ki-BOSH on our picnic. Yes?
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