[Ads-l] "little green men"; "flying saucer"

Peter Reitan pjreitan at HOTMAIL.COM
Sat Jun 23 20:03:21 UTC 2018

Interestingly, the earliest example of "flying saucer" (June 26, 1947) appeared less than two weeks before the initial reports of the Roswell incident.  The guy who found the balloon wreckage called it a "disc" because they had been in the news so much recently, not because it looked like a disc or saucer.  Contemporary descriptions sound more like a deflated balloon than a flying saucer.  In the 12 days between the first flying saucer report in Oregon and the Roswell incident, there were dozens of reported "sightings" in every corner of the country.
From: W Brewer<mailto:brewerwa at GMAIL.COM>
Sent: ‎6/‎20/‎2018 21:30
Subject: Re: "little green men"; "flying saucer"

---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender:       American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
Poster:       W Brewer <brewerwa at GMAIL.COM>
Subject:      Re: "little green men"; "flying saucer"

So, the illegal alien, little green men were ground up to make U.S. dollar
bills. A.k.a. greenbacks.

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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