[Ads-l] Origin and evolution of "crisis actor"

Ben Zimmer bgzimmer at GMAIL.COM
Fri Mar 2 18:28:41 UTC 2018

My Wall Street Journal column this week is on the expression "crisis actor."


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I fleshed out Bonnie's earlier research, from the innocuous use of the term
by Visionbox in 2012 to conspiracy theorists picking it up. As I mention in
the column, Jason Koebler of Motherboard has also looked into this history.


Koebler also recently talked about this on the public radio show On The


On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 8:17 PM, Jonathan Lighter <wuxxmupp2000 at gmail.com>

> They're ba-ack!:
> http://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/374734-aid-to-
> florida-state-lawmaker-shooting-survivors-are-actors-not-students
> JL
> On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 7:48 AM, Jonathan Lighter <wuxxmupp2000 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Fascinating, Bonnie.
> >
> > JL
> >
> > On Sat, Jun 17, 2017 at 3:57 PM, Bonnie Taylor-Blake <
> > b.taylorblake at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> In a thread from early 2013 on uses of "staged," Jonathan Lighter picked
> >> up
> >> on the use of "crisis actor."
> >>
> >> http://listserv.linguistlist.org/pipermail/ads-l/2013-
> January/124705.html
> >>
> >> That's an interesting one, I think. Am I missing a good review of how
> >> "crisis actor" came to be?
> >>
> >> Municipalities, county governments, and the like have long looked for
> and
> >> used volunteers from the community to portray victims in mock disasters
> >> (e.g., as victims in an airplane crash) to test response times and
> skills
> >> of first-responders (paramedics, police, firefighters, etc.).  While the
> >> concept of a volunteer, non-professional "actor" in these drills has
> long
> >> existed, I can't find that there ever was or has been an accepted name
> for
> >> this kind of drill participant.
> >>
> >> "Crisis actor" would be a nice shorthand for such a volunteer, but at
> >> present the term seems entirely negative and nefarious.
> >>
> >> Current usage seems to be applied to persons involved in a tragedy who
> >> are,
> >> as the conspiracy-theorists would tell us, only actors and not true
> >> victims
> >> of said tragedies (not actual gunshot victims, not grieving parents, not
> >> horrified witnesses, etc.); further, these actors are not participating
> in
> >> a true tragedy, but instead are players in a conspiracy, usually
> organized
> >> by the government, to fake a tragedy, the ultimate goal of which is, for
> >> example, only known to the organizer (for example, to remove or limit
> the
> >> citizenry's access to firearms).  See also Wikipedia's description,
> >> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crisis_actor.
> >>
> >> The term seemed to blossom after the Sandy Hook Massacre, which took
> place
> >> on 14 December 2012.
> >>
> >> The earliest usage of "crisis actor" I've found in the mainstream press
> >> comes from an article in the 25 December 2012 issue of The Washington
> [DC]
> >> Examiner
> >>
> >> ---------------------------
> >>
> >> With thousands or even millions of people questioning the
> inconsistencies
> >> of the event that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School, it appears
> >> that nobody is looking at possible motives for the murder of Nancy
> Lanza.
> >>
> >> [...]
> >>
> >> Here is a partial list of interesting questions being raised all over
> the
> >> internet:
> >>
> >> [...]
> >>
> >> [bullet point] Was the school part of the shooting spree an emergency
> >> response exercise using paid crisis actors funded by a grant from our
> >> federal government?
> >>
> >> [From "The Only Plausible Motive: the Murder of Nancy Lanza," accessed
> via
> >> Newsbank's America's News database.]
> >>
> >> ---------------------------
> >>
> >> In January, 2013, the term really took off, in part because it was
> >> popularized by James Tracy, then a professor at Florida Atlantic
> >> University, who had apparently been using it for some time; presumably
> it
> >> had also been in use on internet discussion boards and similar.
> >>
> >> ---------------------------
> >>
> >> Moreover, James Tracy asserts in radio interviews and on his [
> >> memoryholeblog.com] that trained "crisis actors" may have been employed
> >> by
> >> the Obama administration in an effort to shape public opinion in favor
> of
> >> the event's true purpose: gun control.
> >>
> >> [From Mike Clary, "Prof. doubts Sandy Hook massacre," The South Florida
> >> Sun
> >> Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale), 8 January 2013, p. A1.]
> >>
> >> ---------------------------
> >>
> >> As far as I can tell, the term "crisis actor" derives from an effort
> >> reported at, well, crisisactors.org (see
> >> https://web.archive.org/web/20121223001335/http://crisisactors.org/;
> this
> >> page was captured on 23 December 2012), a site registered on 17 August
> >> 2012
> >> and last updated on 16 September 2016. (I also found this press release
> >> via
> >> Newsbank's America's News database; it's presented in full far below.)
> >>  @crisisactors first tweeted on 19 August 2012.
> >>
> >> Notably, the press release mentions that "Crisis Actors is a project of
> >> the
> >> Colorado Safety Task Force established by Colorado State Senator Steve
> >> King," which perhaps was organized in response to the 20 July 2012
> >> shooting
> >> massacre in Aurora, Colorado.
> >>
> >> I suspect, then, that "crisis actors" was coined during the development
> of
> >> this project, later acquiring its more sinister meaning a few months
> >> later,
> >> post-Sandy Hook. This link to an effort of the State of Colorado perhaps
> >> explains a suspicion that the "crisis actor" is involved on behalf of
> the
> >> government or even "funded by a grant from our federal government."
> >>
> >> I'd be happy to hear from anyone else who has looked into the origin and
> >> evolution of this term.  Anything before the Aurora shooting in July,
> >> 2012?  I should note the older usage of "crisis actor" within the
> >> international-affairs/political-science communities to describe
> >> participants (e.g., superpowers or countries) in international crises
> >> (e.g., an escalation to war), but I find no evidence that this
> particular
> >> usage led to today's more common and disturbing meaning.
> >>
> >> -- Bonnie
> >>
> >>
> >> Active Shooter Crisis Actors Target Mall Shootings via Visionbox
> >> Market Wire (USA) - October 31, 2012
> >>
> >> A new group of actors is now available nationwide for active shooter
> >> drills
> >> and mall shooting full-scale exercises, announced Visionbox, Denver's
> >> leading professional actors studio.
> >>
> >> Visionbox Crisis Actors are trained in criminal and victim behavior, and
> >> bring intense realism to simulated mass casualty incidents in public
> >> places.
> >>
> >> The actors' stage acting experience, ranging from Shakespeare to
> >> contemporary American theater, enables them to "stay in character"
> >> throughout an exercise, and improvise scenes of extreme stress while
> >> strictly following official exercise scenarios.
> >>
> >> The actors regularly rehearse scenarios involving the Incident Command
> >> System and crisis communications, and appear in interactive training
> films
> >> produced in both 2D and stereoscopic 3D.
> >>
> >> Producers Jennifer McCray-Rincon and John Simmons formed the group to
> >> demonstrate emerging security technologies, help first responders
> >> visualize
> >> life-saving procedures, and assist trainers in delivering superior
> >> hands-on
> >> crisis response training.
> >>
> >> For example, with a large shopping center, the producers review all
> >> security camera views and design dramatic scenes specifically for
> existing
> >> camera angles, robotic camera sweeps, and manually-controlled camera
> >> moves.
> >>
> >> The producers then work with the trainers to create a "prompt book" for
> >> the
> >> actors so that key scenario developments can be triggered throughout the
> >> mall shooting simulation, and caught on tape.
> >>
> >> The actors can play the part of the shooters, mall employees, shoppers
> in
> >> the mall, shoppers who continue to arrive at the mall, media reporters
> and
> >> others rushing to the mall, and persons in motor vehicles around the
> mall.
> >>
> >> Visionbox Crisis Actors can also play the role of citizens calling 911
> or
> >> mall management, or posting comments on social media websites.
> >>
> >> During the exercise, the producers use two-way radio to co-direct the
> >> Crisis Actors team from the mall dispatch center and at actors'
> locations.
> >>
> >> Within this framework, the exercise can test the mall's monitoring and
> >> communications systems, the mall's safety plan including lockdown and
> >> evacuation procedures, the ability of first responders and the mall to
> >> coordinate an effective response, and their joint ability to respond to
> >> the
> >> media and information posted on the Internet.
> >>
> >> Security camera footage is edited for after-action reports and future
> >> training.
> >>
> >> For more information visit www.Visionbox.org and www.CrisisActors.org.
> >>
> >> Visionbox is a project of the Colorado Nonprofit Development Center.
> >>
> >> Crisis Actors is a project of the Colorado Safety Task Force established
> >> by
> >> Colorado State Senator Steve King.
> >>
> >> Contact:
> >>
> >> Nathan Bock
> >>
> >> Amanda Brown
> >>
> >> (720) 810-1641
> >>
> >> Email Contact
> >>
> >> SOURCE: Visionbox
> >>
> >> http://www2.marketwire.com/mw/emailprcntct?id=92D2E5BC3DC45ED5
> >>

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