[Ads-l] Antedating of "Strip Poker"

ADSGarson O'Toole adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM
Mon Oct 7 02:27:24 UTC 2019

Excellent find, Fred. Here is a citation from a couple years earlier
in 1904 that describes "strip tunk" which appears to be a precursor or
variant of "strip poker". The link goes to a clipping of the article.

Date: May 2, 1904
Newspaper: Waterloo Daily Courier
Newspaper Location:
Article: Co-eds Have a New Game: It Is Called "Strip Tunk" and Have
Some Features That Are Decidedly Unique
Quote Page 2, Column 3
Database: Newspapers.com

[Begin excerpt - may contain OCR errors]
Kalamazoo co-eds are devoting their spare moments to “strip tunk" — a
game similar to poker, with the main feature a gradual taking off of
clothing by the loser of each hand. The game is also played in local
high school circles, and has reached such prevalence that school
authorities are planning a campaign against it. The hands are filled
by drawing in turn from cards on the table, filling one's hand by

In “srip tunk" the loser of each hand divests herself of one article
of clothing. After several hours the party usually resembles a garden
of Eden social event.
[End excerpt]

The misspelling "srip tunk" in the second paragraph above is in the
original text.

Below is another citation for "strip tunk".

Date: May 19, 1904
Newspaper: Catholic Union and Times
Newspaper Location: Buffalo, New York
Article: "Edjucation."
Quote Page 1, Column 7
Database: Newspapers.com

[Begin excerpt - may contain OCR errors]
"The authorities of the local high school are much worked up over the
discovery of a game known as 'strip tunk' among the larger boys of the
school. It appears that the game has been going on for several weeks
and that it now amounts to almost a mania, the boys putting in most of
their spare time at it.

"The new game resembles poker, the loser taking off one article of
clothing for each point lost until stripped"

It is not known how the boys got their peculiar idea of forfeits, but
it is supposed that it originated in a boyish desire for novelty. The
school authorities are making strenuous efforts to break up the
game.--Kalamazoo Augustinian
[End excerpt]


On Sun, Oct 6, 2019 at 9:08 PM Shapiro, Fred <fred.shapiro at yale.edu> wrote:
> strip poker (OED 1929)
> 1906 _L.A. Daily Times_ 16 Feb. 1 (Newspapers.com)  The chorus girls of one of the last comic-opera companies which visited Los Angeles introduced the young bloods to a new fascinating game called "strip poker." ... The cards are held by the young men.  The girls sit by to watch.  At the end of every hand, all the girls whose young men have lost, proceed to remove one article of wearing apparel.  The game continues until -- well, for a long time.
> Fred Shapiro
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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