[Ads-l] Antedating of "Vegetarian" (Adj.)

Shapiro, Fred fred.shapiro at YALE.EDU
Sun Sep 13 23:33:20 UTC 2020

vegetarian, adj.(OED 1843)

The Healthian
Vol.1, No.5, April 1842

[The Editor's answer to Barbara's Letter, pp. 31 and 32]
p.34: ... To tell a man, who is in the stocks for a given fault, that he cannot be so confined for such an offence, is ridiculous enough; but not more so than to tell a healthy vegetarian that his diet is very uncongenial with the wants of his nature, and contrary to reason.
p.35: ... At any rate there is generally with vegetarians, and especially fruit eaters, a calmness and even sweetness of temper, and we believe also a clearness of reason, that are highly desirable for humanity, and for health. We esteem this fact of the triple fermentation of vegetables of high importance, and one that, though caught at immediately by the advocacy of the old regime, is of great and irresistible weight in the vegetarian advocacy.

Fred Shapiro

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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