[Ads-l] nostalgiacore

ADSGarson O'Toole adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM
Fri Aug 27 12:40:54 UTC 2021

The term "nostalgiacore" is applied to pictures, videos, and music.

A variety of "-core" terms have been applied to TikTok videos, e.g.,
nostalgiacore, dreamcore, traumacore, sadcore, weirdcore,

Aesthetics Wiki
[Begin excerpt]
Whats nostalgiacore?
Nostalgiacore is an aesthetic involving nostalgia and archived
internet history. Most senses of nostalgia focus on childhood shows,
snacks, trends, fashion, and video games.
[End excerpt]

Aesthetics Wiki
[Begin excerpt]
Saturationcore is an aesthetic found mostly on TikTok. It includes,
but is not limited to saturated colors, fisheye lenses, and '90s
inspired fashions. This aesthetic is trying to mimic the look of a lot
of Hype Williams music videos from the '90s.
[End excerpt]

Urban Dictionary
[Begin excerpt]
a segment of aging rock music that elicits longing or affection for
the past, typically performed by an artist that has continued making
music but is most associated with the era of their early or hit songs
Green Day's totally nostalgiacore now because I can only listen to
their old stuff. Dookie makes me miss the '90s.
by mediapixel December 03, 2020
[End excerpt]


The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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