[Ads-l] to daughter out

ADSGarson O'Toole adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM
Tue May 17 17:30:45 UTC 2022

Intriguing topic, GAT. Excellent citations, Pat O'Conner.
Here is a different citation in 1948 which also referred to the name Goffe.

Date: October 07, 1948
Newspaper: The Los Angeles Times
Newspaper Location: Los Angeles, California
Article: Bookman's Notebook
Author: Joseph Henry Jackson
Quote Page 5, Column 5
Database: Newspapers.com

[Begin excerpt]
The Woodburys literally started at the bottom, for the broken dam had
to be repaired from the foundation up. But his ancestor, John Goffe
(the name had "daughtered out" as they put it in New England), had
built solidly and well, and it was possible to use much of the old
wreck the mill had become.
[End excerpt]

I looked for variant phrases describing the same phenomenon and found
"terminated in Daughters" in 1686.

Year: 1686
Book: A Treatise Enumerating the Most Illustrious Families of England
Author: H. Philipps (Henry Philipps)
Quote Page 202
Printed for Arthur Jones, London


[Begin excerpt]
... Sir Henry Willoughby late of Risley in the County of Derby
Baronet, and Sir Willoughby late of Willoughby in the County of
Nottingham Baronet, both lately terminated in Daughters and Heirs, who
have carried the Inheritance of those two honourable persons to
several worthy Families of this Kingdom.
[End excerpt]


On Mon, May 16, 2022 at 10:44 AM mailbox grammarphobia.com
<mailbox at grammarphobia.com> wrote:
> My husband and I discussed this usage on our blog in 2019: https://www.grammarphobia.com/blog/2019/06/daughter-out.html.
> Earliest example we found was from New Hampshire, 1948.
> Pat O'Conner
> On May 16, 2022, at 12:00 AM, ADS-L automatic digest system <LISTSERV at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU<mailto:LISTSERV at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>> wrote:
> There is 1 message totaling 41 lines in this issue.
> Topics of the day:
>  1. to daughter out
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date:    Sun, 15 May 2022 16:38:20 -0400
> From:    George Thompson <george.thompson at NYU.EDU<mailto:george.thompson at NYU.EDU>>
> Subject: to daughter out
> Meaning, a family having only daughters, no sons, to continue the line and
> name.
> From a discussion group focused on 18th century studies, commenting on
> folks who had been required to change their last name in order to inherit
> an estate:
> In the state of Maine USA they would say a family had "daughtered out." The
> cases I've encountered lately are with Mary Delany's brother Bernard
> Granville's directing their nephew to take the Granville name. And the
> Percy family daughtered out in Lady Betty the richest heiress in Britain.
> Her husband was supposed to take Percy but she excused him. He was Chas
> Seymour Duke of Somerset, who had become duke  because his predecessor was
> murdered. The Percy money daughtered down to their granddaughter whose
> husband Sir Hugh Smithson finally took the name Percy.YN
> Neither the OED nor DARE have "daughter" as a verb.
> --
> George A. Thompson
> Author of A Documentary History of "The African Theatre", Northwestern
> Univ. Pr., 1998.
> But when aroused at the Trump of Doom / Ye shall start, bold kings, from
> your lowly tomb. . .
> L. H. Sigourney, "Burial of Mazeen", Poems.  Boston, 1827, p. 112
> The Trump of Doom -- also known as The Dunghill Toadstool.  (Here's a
> picture of his great-grandfather.)
> http://www.parliament.uk/worksofart/artwork/james-gillray/an-excrescence---a-fungus-alias-a-toadstool-upon-a-dunghill/3851
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org
> ------------------------------
> End of ADS-L Digest - 11 May 2022 to 15 May 2022 (#2022-119)
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> The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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