[Ads-l] 2023 NARNiHS Research Incubator - program

NAm Research Network in HistSocio narnihistsoc at GMAIL.COM
Fri Apr 7 19:03:46 UTC 2023

Dear colleagues,

The *NARNiHS 2023 Research Incubator (Apr 20-22) program* is now "live" on
our website!

==> https://narnihs.org/?page_id=2409  <==.

Note that *NO** registration is necessary for NARNiHS members* to attend
the fully online NARNiHS 2023. Conference access information as well as a
link to consult presenters' drafts will be sent to all NARNiHS members in a
separate message as we get closer to the conference dates (20-22 April 2023

*Not a member yet, but interested in joining NARNiHS? Membership is
free!* Check
out https://narnihs.org/?page_id=2
 for details on how to join NARNiHS.

Sandrine Tailleur (2023 NARNiHS Convenor),

on behalf of the NARNiHS 2023 Research Incubator organizing committee
(Carolina Amador-Moreno, Israel Sanz, Sandrine Tailleur)

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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