[Ads-l] Words: broetry (blend: bro poetry) broem (blend: bro poem)

ADSGarson O'Toole adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM
Sun Apr 23 16:06:34 UTC 2023

Website: Medium
Date: May 16, 2022
Article: The "Broetry " on LinkedIn Is Making Me Sick
Author: Zulie Rane

[Begin excerpt]
You know what it is, even if you hadn’t heard the official name coined
by Bloomberg writer Lorcan Roche Kelly. Carina Rampelt distilled
Broetry down into its five essential parts in a post in Fenwick Media:

1. Location: LinkedIn.
2. Hook: A click-bait opening line.
3. Content: An engineered anecdote that is emotionally charged and
makes the writer look suspiciously good.
4. Formatting: Line breaks everywhere.
5. Closing line: Some kind of poignant life lesson that seems to make
sense on the surface but collapses under any actual examination.
Think: “I learned to be more mindful after experiencing how someone
else had a hard time.”

Broetry is probably an outdated term for it by now. Its success has
made it an equal-opportunity bullshit format, with people of all
genders using it to go viral on LinkedIn.
[End excerpt]

Website: Buzzfeednews
Timestamp: December 6, 2017 at 6:19 pm
Article: People Are Flooding LinkedIn With Strange Stories. We’re
Calling Them Broetry.
Authors: Ryan Mac and Alex Kantrowitz (BuzzFeed News Reporters)

[Begin excerpt]
Have you seen those new posts flooding LinkedIn?

The ones that look like this?

One sentence.

One paragraph.

A dull personal anecdote.

A clichéd life lesson.

But what are they?

And why are they on an employment-oriented social networking service...

That we occasionally visit to chuckle over lousy job leads?

Those posts are broetry.

And this is a broem.
[End excerpt]

The word broetry was apparently coined by Lorcan Roche Kelly in a 2017
tweet in response to a query from Tom Gara.

[Begin tweet information]
Tom Gara @tomgara
Nov 30, 2017
Can someone come up with a name for this monstrous form of LinkedIn
corporate essay-poetry?
5:34 PM · Nov 30, 2017
[End tweet information]

[Begin tweet information]
Lorcan Roche Kelly @LorcanRK
5:36 PM · Nov 30, 2017
[End tweet information]

[Begin tweet information]
Ugo Mendes Donelli @hugowiz
You named it!
8:10 AM · Apr 4, 2018
[End tweet information]


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