[Ads-l] transitive consent (not in OED)

Dan Goncharoff thegonch at GMAIL.COM
Fri Apr 28 13:08:24 UTC 2023

I was curious to know what happens at unconvened meetings.

On Fri, Apr 28, 2023, 12:56 AM Charles C Rice <charles.rice at louisiana.edu>

> From a training module I am doing:
> "Depending on institutional procedures, alleged noncompliance (for
> example, not following the study protocol, not consenting subjects
> appropriately, etc.) may be addressed at convened meetings."
> As best I can tell, to consent a subject is to obtain (written) informed
> consent from a subject. Elsewhere in the document is mentioned "The
> recruitment and consenting processes." I suppose that if "recruitment"
> means 'to recruit people' then "consenting" means 'to consent people'.
> OED has 3 transitive consents, (1) one that takes a clause or infinitive
> complement; (2) an obsolete usage from Piers Plowman, to agree to give
> (something) _to_ someone; and (3) to agree or allow something: The Trustees
> consented it (= consented to it), or here is one from Milton: Interpreters
> upon that passage in Hosea will not consent it to be a true story.
> The earliest example I found on Google was from a 2001 document out of the
> Dana-Farber Harvard Cancer Center:
> "This document is not to be used to consent subjects. Subjects must only
> be consented using consent documents posted to OncPro."
> The same letter provided this gem:
> "The DFCI IRB will consider an investigator or sponsor determination to
> inform or re-consent subjects but..."
> https://www.dfhcc.harvard.edu/crs-resources/OHRS_Documents/02_-_Investigator_Resources/Letter_to_Sponsors.pdf
> --Clai Rice
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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