[Ads-l] Saying: How do I know what I think until I read what I'm writing?

ADSGarson O'Toole adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM
Fri Jan 27 05:54:53 UTC 2023

On January 22 Mark Mandel reposted a passage from Arnold Zwicky’s blog
about a family of sayings that can be split into two subfamilies:

(1) I will know what I think when I hear what I said.
(2) I will know what I think when I read what I wrote

Now, I have posted an article focused on the second family. A variety
of people have employed instances including: writer Flannery O’Connor,
actress Inger Stevens, journalist August Heckscher, economist Paul
Samuelson, actress Shirley MacLaine, writer Joan Didion, novelist E.
L. Doctorow, screenwriter John Gregory Dunne, playwright Edward Albee,
playwright Wendy Wasserstein, poet Virginia Hamilton Adair, and horror
scribe Stephen King.


An article about the first subfamily of sayings is here:

[Begin acknowledgement]
Great thanks to Arnold Zwicky and Mark Mandel whose remarks and
inquiry led QI to formulate this question and perform this
[End acknowledgement]


The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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