[Ads-l] to "last an antiquity"

Dan Goncharoff thegonch at GMAIL.COM
Fri Jul 28 18:14:49 UTC 2023

How do we know he didn't say "last in antiquity"? Still wrong, but closer
to correctitudinousness.

On Fri, Jul 28, 2023 at 12:42 PM George Thompson <george.thompson at nyu.edu>

> From The Guardian.
> “I think this original indictment was engineered to last a thousand years
> and now this superseding indictment will last an antiquity,” Ty Cobb told
> CNN. “This is such a tight case, the evidence is so overwhelming.”
> Ty Cobb is a lawyer who has represented ex-president Trump in the past.
> He's referring to one of the current investigations.
> This figure of speech puzzles me.  Antiquity lasted a hell of a long time,
> to be sure, but he's projecting it into the future.
> The article's headline is
> Ex-Trump lawyer says evidence against him ‘overwhelming’ in Mar-a-Lago
> case.
> --
> George A. Thompson
> Author of A Documentary History of "The African Theatre", Northwestern
> Univ. Pr., 1998.
> But when aroused at the Trump of Doom / Ye shall start, bold kings, from
> your lowly tomb. . .
> L. H. Sigourney, "Burial of Mazeen", Poems.  Boston, 1827, p. 112
> The Trump of Doom -- also known as The Dunghill Toadstool.  (Here's a
> picture of his great-grandfather.)
> https://heritagecollections.parliament.uk/collections/getrecord/HOP_WOA_3851
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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