[Ads-l] Article in The New Yorker: Did This Writer Actually Know Tennessee Williams?

ADSGarson O'Toole adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jun 7 02:44:39 UTC 2023

In 2015 prestigious publisher Knopf released “Follies of God:
Tennessee Williams and the Women of the Fog” by James Grissom. The
book contains many quotations ascribed to Tennessee Williams and
various actresses. Now an article in "The New Yorker" suggests that
the author might be a fabulist, and some of the quotations might have
been fabricated.

Periodical: The New Yorker
Issue: June 12, 2023
Online date: June 5, 2023
Article: Did This Writer Actually Know Tennessee Williams?
Author: Helen Shaw

(Possible paywall)

[Begin subtitle]
James Grissom says that he met the playwright and his famous muses,
and quoted them extensively in his work. Not everyone believes him.
[End subtitle]

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