[Ads-l] "Drop"

ADSGarson O'Toole adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM
Mon May 22 23:24:57 UTC 2023

Ben Zimmer wrote:
> The first Spin cite in the OED from May 1988 was one I first shared here in
> a 2011 thread (quoting Run of Run-DMC):
> https://listserv.linguistlist.org/pipermail/ads-l/2011-March/107482.html
> Garson's 1986 cite may be somewhat transitional, since it has "drop a
> single onto the world" rather than plain "drop a single."

Good point, Ben. Here is "drop a new single" with a prepositional
phrase in 1974.

Date: October 3, 1974
Newspaper: The Age
Newspaper Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Section: The Age TV Radio Guide
Article: Big Kids on home front
Author: Fiona Whitlock
Quote Page 2, Column 4

[Begin excerpt]
They will drop a new single into that market and the Australian one by
the end of this month, which will probably be a rock and roll number
inspired by their Expo '74 concert.
[End excerpt]


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