[Ads-l] Word: skulduggery, skullduggery, scullduggery (altered sculduddery)

ADSGarson O'Toole adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM
Tue May 30 19:49:15 UTC 2023

While exploring "shenanigans" I came across a citation that mentioned
"skullduggery". Bonnie posted about that term back in July 2021.


The OED has an 1867 citation.
Bonnie found "scullduggery" in a citation dated December 15, 1845.
Here it is a few days earlier. It appeared twice in "The Politician":

Date: December 12, 1845
Volume 1, Number 35
Periodical: The Politician
Date: Monday, December 8
Section: Reports of the Committees
Quote Page 552, Column 3

[Begin excerpt]
At this instant said he (Mr. Glenn) he took the Speaker's stand and
put the question, (which Mr. Buchanan ought to have put) of
adjournment until 9 o'clock, A.M. Mr. G said he saw at once, that Mr.
B. had some of his scullduggery on hand. He thought that this was an
act of a small character.
[End excerpt]

Date: December 12, 1845
Volume 1, Number 35
Periodical: The Politician
Date: Tuesday, December 9
Section: Afternoon Session
Page 553, Column 3

[Begin excerpt]
Here the House got into what several members called "scullduggery,"
that is, great confusion, and several motions were made to lay the
bill on the table, but at length Mr. Flippin got the floor and offered
an amendment, but the Chair said it was out of order, and after
several motions to adjourn one prevailed.
[End excerpt]


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