[Ads-l] Quote: I'm a famous writer in a country where nobody reads. (John Grisham in Oct 2023)

ADSGarson O'Toole adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM
Sat Oct 7 22:41:40 UTC 2023

Website: TIME
Timestamp: OCTOBER 2, 2023 7:00 AM EDT
Article: The Enduring Charm of John Grisham
Author: Molly Ball/Memphis


[Begin excerpt - please double-check]
Writing has made Grisham very rich.) Due to the solitary nature of the
profession, even the world’s most famous writer rarely gets recognized
in public. Grisham likes it that way. “It’s the perfect degree of
fame,” he tells me as we walk down the street in Memphis. “I tell
people I’m a famous writer in a country where nobody reads.”
[End excerpt]


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