[Ads-l] Antedating of Brownie Point
ADSGarson O'Toole
adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM
Wed Oct 25 19:18:50 UTC 2023
Thanks for sharing intriguing citations, John. Here is a complementary
citation in 1943 stating that "Brownies earn points" via a civic
minded activity.
Date: February 11, 1943,
Newspaper: The La Crosse Tribune
Newspaper Location: La Crosse, Wisconsin
Article: Girl Scouts
Quote Page 14, Column 4
Database: Newspapers.com
[Begin excerpt]
The training school and the Emerson school Brownies have a stocking
box. The Brownies earn points by bringing stockings. They get awards
for this. -- Susan Spence, scribe.
[End excerpt]
On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 2:12 PM Baker, John
<000014a9c79c3f97-dmarc-request at listserv.uga.edu> wrote:
> The OED defines "brownie point" as a national credit for an achievement or favor in the eyes of another, especially gained by sycophantic or service behavior, and traces it back to 1963. Dave Wilton today has a post on his website taking it back to 1951 and discussing its origins, https://www.wordorigins.org/big-list-entries/brownie-points. Dave suggests it may be from the idea of a husband currying favor with his wife by acting the part of a brownie and performing household chores; from a point system used by Brownie Girl Scouts; a reference to brown-nosing; or from brown point used in World War II rationing. The OED says it is probably from brown-nose, but is popularly associated with the Brownies.
> Here is an earlier use that supports the association with the Brownies. Brownies Hold Picnic, Last Meeting Of Season, Sunbury (Penn.) Daily Item, May 16, 1944, at 9, col. 2 (Newspapers.com):
> "The girls gave Brownie dances and sang Brownie songs. Awards were given to Lois Bingaman and Helen Romig for attendance and Brownie points."
> Further supporting a Brownie origin, here is a 1926 example that might be bracketed. In this example, "six" refers to a small group of Brownies. Virginia Lee Ochletree, Pack No. 1-Fairy Pine Brownies, Norfolk (Va.) Ledger-Star, Oct. 13, 1926, at 22, col. 3 (Newspapers.com):
> "Here are some of the things Brownies must do during the week:
> 1. Make up our bed two times.
> 2. Air our bed two or three times.
> 3. Have hands, fingernails, and teeth cleaned and hair neatly brushed.
> During the next month we must learn something new, to darn a pair of sox, cook something fit to eat, or crochet or knit.
> The contest has started and every Brownie on time will make one point for her six. So let us try to do our best."
> The term was in metaphorical use by 1945. Here is a sarcastic example that, with other poems by U.S. service members, was published under the caption Puptent Poets. The author clearly does have brown-nosing in mind, although the examples above seem to show an ultimate origin in Girl Scout contests. T-5 Robert O.J. Muenz, SC, To a Brownie, Stars and Stripes (Mediterranean edition), July 30, 1945, at 4, col. 2 (NewspaperArchive):
> Here's to you, my little man,
> Soldier boy with nose of tan.
> Shoes all shined and trousers neat,
> Everybody out you beat.
> Fellow soldiers you disgust
> By making smiles to brass a must.
> Tell me, why are you this way?
> Tell me, does it really pay?
> Do 90 days make one so thick
> As not to see through such a trick?
> Don't tell me that they're too damn dumb
> To wise up to you, you little bum.
> Someday you'll end up sans a friend,
> Isn't that an awful end?
> With us, dear pal, you've hit the bottom,
> But brownie points - man you've got 'em.
> So here's to you, my little man,
> Soldier boy with nose of tan.
> Right now you may be making hay,
> But may you live to rue the day."
> John Baker
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org
The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org
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