[Ads-l] sluffer

Barretts Mail mail.barretts at GMAIL.COM
Thu Sep 7 15:52:27 UTC 2023

None of Merriam Webster, the OED, Wiktionary and Dictionary.com <http://dictionary.com/> have this word (in English) whether spelled “sluffer” or “slougher.” 

Well the OED does have an obsolete/rare 1529 citation for a verb meaning “gobble up noisily”: Ye slvfferd vp sowse In my lady Brewsys howse.

It seems to me that “sluffer” is a normal noun form of “to stuff (off)” and is in the UD (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Sluffer).

“Sluffer” is also a portmanteau of “slipper” and “puffer” (https://www.elle.com/fashion/shopping/g38832332/introducing-the-sluffer-winter-shoe/) according to Elle. 

1. Tools of the Writer's Craft, p 212
Sands Hall

Better yet, make one of them clearly a hard worker and one a sluffer—and maintain their characterization through the lines they are given to say.

2. Blink, She’s Bleeding, p 16
Rachel K. Olson

Sluffers. Most of them were from the east side. You could spot a sluffer anywhere by the look in his eyes.

3. The Gentle Giant and the Beauty Queen and Their City of Steubenville, Ohio, p 74
MJ Michael

Ed could be a tough on a worker who didn’t pull his weight … One day when Ron was in the shower room, such a sluffer was complaining about tough Ed.

Benjamin Barrett (he/his/him)
Formerly of Seattle, WA 

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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