[Ads-l] hinterland, n.; OEDO 1890

James Eric Lawson jel at NVENTURE.COM
Sun Sep 10 18:03:29 UTC 2023

1879  *The Times* (London, Greater London, England) 20 Aug 5/2 
(Datelined "PARIS, Tuesday, Aug. 19, 9 30 P.M.")

This latter point it was that also made Germany favourable to the 
annexation of Bosnia to Austria Dalmatia thereby becoming through the so 
called "Hinterland" more intimately connected with Austria, and more 
easily protected from Italian cupidity, and Trieste, which the Germans 
have always considered as inseparable from the *quasi* German territory 
adjoining it, thus passing beyond the range of annexationist calculations.


1884  *Belfast News-Letter* (Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland) 10 May 5/6

At last the peace is concluded, though not yet ratified. The terms are 
not so bad. We lose the Hinterland and the Domains there, as also the 
whole of Hesse-Homburg--in all 64,000 souls; pay three millions 
contribution, besides having kept a large part the Prussian army six 
weeks for nothing, which cost the country 25,000 florins daily.


1887  *Glasgow Herald* (Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland) 24 Mar 4/7

Togoland, on the slave coast of Guinea, if neither a very large 
settlement in itself, nor very well adapted for colonising on a large 
scale, nor even for the introduction of German plantations, is still 
shown to border a very thickly-populated "hinterland," which it only 
requires the energy of the Germans to tap in order to yield a large and 
profitable trade.


James Eric Lawson

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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