[Ads-l] Slight Antedating of "Michigander"

James Eric Lawson jel at NVENTURE.COM
Tue Sep 12 04:40:20 UTC 2023

In ADS-L 2000-July, both Barry Popik


and Jesse Sheidlower


mention an 1835 example of 'Michigander'. After some thrashing around 
(which *Dictionary of Americanisms*, exactly?), I found the 1835 example 
in (editor) Mitford M. Mathews' 1956 *A dictionary of Americanisms on 
historical principles*:

**1835** in *Hist. Soc. N.W. Ohio* VII. (1935) 29 Aug. 3 Horner was not 
acceptable to the Michiganders and acting Governor Mason continued in 


I suppose this didn't make it into OEDO (promised by Jesse) because the 
July 1935 historical society publication (see page 3, "August 29"),


is an edited recounting of an 1858 article.

On 9/11/23 16:07, Shapiro, Fred wrote:
> Michigander (OED 1838 [14 Nov.])
> 1838 _Bangor Daily Whig and Courier_ 18 Oct. (Newspapers.com)
> I came, as I told you, the last thirty miles to Detroit by rail road.  This is part of one which the Michiganders are making across to St. Joseph's.
> Fred Shapiro
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

James Eric Lawson

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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