[Ads-l] Square-Bracket Antedatings of "Lacrosse"

Shapiro, Fred fred.shapiro at YALE.EDU
Tue Sep 19 15:25:50 UTC 2023

lacrosse (OED 1867)

[1806 Priscilla Wakefield _Excursions in North America_ 351 (Google Books)  There is a fort on a low isthmus, in Isle a la Crosse, which has taken its name from the game of the cross, which is a favourite amusement among the natives.]

[1809 Alexander Henry _Travels and Adventures in Canada_ 78 (Google Books)  Baggatiway, called, by the Canadians, _le jeu de la crosse_, is played with a bat and ball.]

[1830 _The Amateur_ 4 Sept. 87/1 (Google Books)  The Indians, in times not long past, were in the habit of playing a game of ball somewhat similar to cricket, and called La Crosse]

Fred Shapiro

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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