[Ads-l] Slang: hand someone a lemon

ADSGarson O'Toole adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM
Fri Apr 5 23:40:34 UTC 2024

Dan Goncharoff wrote:
> I wonder how this relates to the "prix lemon" in tennis and cycling.

Thanks for your response, Dan.
It appears that the Prix Citron (Prix Lemon, Lemon Prize) is given to
a person with a sour disposition from the point of view of
journalists. Below are two matches from 1949 in the cinema domain.

Periodical: La Cinématographie Française
Date: 22 Janvier 1949 (January 22, 1949)
Quote Page 15
Database: Internet Archive archive.org

[Begin excerpt]
Le jury du Prix Citron composé de journalistes du cinéma a décerné le
20, chez Salim Halali, son prix à l’acteur et à l’actrice français...
les moins aimables avec les journalistes -- Ainsi d’ailleurs qu’à
celui et à celle les plus sympathiques.
[End excerpt]

[Begin Google Translation]
The Citron Prize jury made up of cinema journalists awarded its prize
on the 20th, at Salim Halali, to the French actor and actress... the
least friendly to journalists -- As well as to the one and to the most
sympathetic one.
[End Google Translation]

Periodical: La Cinématographie Française
Date: 29 Janvier 1949 (January 29, 1949)
Quote Page 8
Database: Internet Archive archive.org

[Begin excerpt]
Le jury du Prix Citron vient de désigner les artistes les moins
aimables avec les journalistes : Georges Marchai et Danielle Darrieux.
Il est évident que leur talent n’était absolument pas en cause. De
leur côté, Josette Day et Jean Marais ont reçu une Orange d’honneur
destinée à récompenser leur gentillesse.
[End excerpt]

[Begin Google Translation]
The Citron Prize jury has just named the artists least friendly to
journalists: Georges Marchai and Danielle Darrieux. It is obvious that
their talent was absolutely not in question. For their part, Josette
Day and Jean Marais received an Honorary Orange intended to reward
their kindness.
[End Google Translation]

The Wikipedia article for the French Open tennis tournament suggests
that Prix Citron was first awarded in 1981.
Website: Wikipedia
Entry: French Open
Accessed: April 5, 2024


[Begin excerpt]
Since 1981, new prizes have been presented: the Prix Orange (for the
player demonstrating the best sportsmanship and cooperative attitude
with the press), the Prix Citron (for the player with the strongest
character and personality) and the Prix Bourgeon (for the tennis
player revelation of the year).
[End excerpt]

In 1998 Sports Illustrated mentioned the Prix Citron.

Periodical: Sports Illustrated
Date: Mar 23, 1998
Article: The Most Hated Man In Tennis Marcelo Rios
Author: Franz Lidz
Database: Sports Illustrated Vault

[Begin excerpt]
Tennis writers covering the French Open have awarded Rios their Prix
Citron ("Lemon Prize") for noncooperation two years running. When Rios
does cooperate, he sometimes overdoes it.
[End excerpt]


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