[Ads-l] Adage: All Art Is Propaganda

ADSGarson O'Toole adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM
Tue Apr 9 15:00:12 UTC 2024

Jonathan Lighter wrote:
> In 1967 or 1968 I heard  (approximately) "The best art is the best
> propaganda. For Communists, it's vice versa."

Thanks for your feedback, JL. I added two citations to the QI article.
You are acknowledged.
In 1919 a thematically related statement was attributed to the
Italian-American sculptor Onorio Ruotolo in a Dayton, Ohio newspaper:

[ref] 1919 August 31, Dayton Sunday News, Section: Sunday Magazine,
Newest “Discovery” An Italian Artist, Quote Page 3, Column 3, Dayton,
Ohio. (Newspapers_com) [/ref]

[Begin excerpt]
He has been working at the things he loved best to do, and believes
thoroughly that art is the best propaganda; the artist, according to
the young sculptor, portraying without admonishing.
[End excerpt]

In 1934 syndicated columnist Heywood Broun wrote a thematically related remark:

[ref] 1934 June 26, The Indianapolis Times, It Seems To Me by Heywood
Broun, Quote Page 9, Column 1, Indianapolis, Indiana. (Newspapers_com)

[Begin excerpt]
The best art is the best propaganda and we stand in vital need of a
campaign to make our country sex-conscious.
[End excerpt]

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Quote Origin: All Art Is Propaganda


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