[Ads-l] B movie (1930)

Shapiro, Fred fred.shapiro at YALE.EDU
Sat Dec 14 23:09:37 UTC 2024

In its entry for "B," the OED has a sense II.4.b.iii, "A supporting film for the main feature in a cinema programme."  The earliest citation they present is dated 1949.

Fred Shapiro

From: American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU> on behalf of dave at wilton.net <dave at WILTON.NET>
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2024 9:06 AM
Subject: B movie (1930)

Not in the OED.

Arising from the film distribution system of the 1920s and 30s. Class A films were produced by the major and major-minor studios and distributed to the theaters they owned and in second run to independent theaters on a percentage basis. Class B films were produced to major, major-minor, and minor studios and distributed to independent theaters for a flat fee. Theaters would often pair a class A and a class B film in a double feature.

In reference to theaters that showed them:

“Publix Corporation Will Operate Two Ottumwa Theaters.” Des Moines Register (Iowa), 2 September 1930, 11/2. ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

"OTTUMWA—Announcement of the sale of operating rights of the Square and Empire Theaters of this city to the Public corporation of Iowa, subsidiary of the National Paramount Publix, has been made by Stephen Braun, former owner and manager. The contract involves a twenty-year lease and Emerson, who has recently been manager of class B movie houses operated by Publix in Des Moines, will be resident manager of the local theaters. Both houses will be redecorated and a talkie machine will be installed in the Empire, which up to the present time has been without this equipment, thus bringing the total of talkie houses in Ottumwa to five."

In reference to the films themselves:

“Screen Views and News: ‘Two-Fisted Gentleman’ Just Another Fight Film.” New York Post, 25 August 1936, 11/2. Readex: America’s Historical Newspapers.

"In the lineup, besides the principals, are George McKay, Thurston Hall, Gene Morgan, Paul Guilfoyle and Harry Tyler. It’s what the Columbia executives call a Class B movie."

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