[Ads-l] Preliminary Appeal for Notable Quotations of 2024

Shapiro, Fred fred.shapiro at YALE.EDU
Fri Jul 5 00:10:13 UTC 2024

2024 gives every indication of being an historically turbulent year.  Perhaps because the turbulence is so appalling, I have not been focusing at all on my list of the notable quotations of the year.  Therefore I am appealing for help in beginning to identify candidates for the list.  Here goes:

This is an appeal for suggestions of candidates for my annual list of the 10 most notable quotations of the year, disseminated by the Associated Press.  The criteria are quotations that are famous, or important, or particularly revealing of the spirit of our times.  Invariably many of the quotes are political in nature, but I do very much want some nonpolitical quotes from fields such as popular culture, sports, business, science, etc.

Note that quotations from December 2023 may be eligible.  Internet memes can be considered if they are very popular.

Fred Shapiro

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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