[Ads-l] Slight Antedating of "Dada", "Dadaism", and "Dadaist"

Shapiro, Fred fred.shapiro at YALE.EDU
Thu Jun 27 13:54:02 UTC 2024

dada, dadaism, dadaist (all OED 24 July 1918)

1918 _Muncie_ (Indiana) _Sunday Star_ 23 June 2/2

In a hall in Berlin West ... a new art tendency called 'dadaism' is being preached. ... The hearers listen to 'dadaist' poems. ... The word 'dada' symbolizes the most primitive relationship to environing realities.

1918 _Ibid._ 23 June 2/3

The 'Dada' club established at Berlin had its intellectual forerunners in the International Cafe Voltaire.

Fred Shapiro

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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