[Ads-l] devil's tattoo

Jonathan Lighter wuxxmupp2000 at GMAIL.COM
Sun Mar 3 12:21:14 UTC 2024

OED has this from 1756 in ref. to feet. This 1775 ex, however, defines it
in detail:

1775 Henry Man _The Trifler_ (London: R. Baldwin) I 143: Beating the
_devil's tattoo_ ...is done by tabouring the heel, in a kind of quick
convulsive motion, upon the floor; or with the fingers of the right hand,
imitating a drum, upon the table, to the great annoyance, and discomposure,
of the company.

It seems to me there's a recognized, solemn snare drum figure that matches
the "bada bum, bada bum, bada bum bum bum," but I don't know what it's


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