[Ads-l] Gold on kibosh

Stephen Goranson goranson at DUKE.EDU
Sat May 25 13:15:14 UTC 2024

William Blake wrote "opposition is true friendship."
That's a charitable option to regard David L. Gold's article* on the Origin of Kibosh book as an expression of warmth.
And length, though John Strugnell's Revue de Qumran response to John Allegro's edition of some Cave 4 Qumran texts is actually longer than the reviewed book.
I may get into details, but still think kibosh as originally a whip or lash is better than his alternate proposal, from one 1860 use, of an iron rod used in clog-making, and not even in the end step.

Stephen Goranson

* Gold, David L. 2022-2023. “So far, no solid evidence for *English kibosh < Arabic krb’ǧ.” Leuvense Bijdragen - Leuven Contributions in Linguistics and Philology. Vol. 104. Pp. 188-257.

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