[Ads-l] G.L.O.A.T.

Bonnie Taylor-Blake b.taylorblake at GMAIL.COM
Wed May 29 23:26:16 UTC 2024

Nice, Nancy.

And now I see that "GLOAT" ("greatest liar of all time") had previously
been used in an October 2021 letter to the editor of The Wisconsin State
Journal (Madison), where it had been applied to ... Donald J. Trump.


-- Bonnie

On Wed, May 29, 2024 at 6:33 PM Nancy Friedman <wordworking at gmail.com>

Acronym of the year?
> "The GLOAT: Trump's lawyer calls [Michael] Cohen the greatest lawyer of all
> time."
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOlj_NFdHOo
> "Todd Blanche asked jurors if they are familiar with the acronym GOAT,
> which stands for 'greatest of all time.'
> Michael Cohen, Blanche said, 'is the GLOAT: Greatest Liar of All Time.'
> Upon hearing this, one of the jurors, a young woman, cracked a smile and
> began laughing softly."
> https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/05/28/trump-hush-money-criminal-trial/greatest-liar-of-all-time-gloat-00160168
> Nancy Friedman
> Chief Wordworker
> web: wordworking.com <http://www.wordworking.com>
> substack https://fritinancy.substack.com/
> Medium <https://medium.com/@wordworking>
> tel 510 652-4159
> cel 510 304-3953
> bluesky/mastodon/instagram  Fritinancy
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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