[Ads-l] Porn star (slight antedating)

Bonnie Taylor-Blake b.taylorblake at GMAIL.COM
Fri May 31 13:48:36 UTC 2024

OED has a 29 June 1973 usage for its earliest example.

Here are some slightly earlier ones. (I've tacked on an example of "porno
star," which seems to have preceded "porn star," but it's obviously "porn
star" that stuck.)

-- Bonnie

Porn Star's 'Mom' Photo Goes Defunct [Headline, The Napa Valley Register, 3
May 1973, p. 1-D,

Ivory Won't Scrub Its Porn Star [Headline, New York Post, 11 May 1873, p.
18, via GenealogyBank.com.]

Porn Star Loves Newfound Fame [Headline, The News and Courier (Charleston,
South Carolina), 5 June 1973, p. 4-A, via GeneaologyBank.com.]


Porno Star 'Likes Work' [Headline, Victoria (British Columbia) Daily Times,
14 June 1971, p. 23, via newspapers.com.]

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