Fwd: ADS group on Linkedin

Grant Barrett gbarrett at worldnewyork.org
Fri Jan 16 14:20:23 UTC 2009

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Benjamin Zimmer" <bgzimmer at ling.upenn.edu>
> Date: January 15, 2009 11:25:33 EST
> To: "Newsletter of the American Dialect Society" <ADS-M at listserv.linguistlist.org 
> >
> Subject: ADS group on Linkedin
> This message was  originally submitted by bgzimmer at GMAIL.COM to  the  
> ADS-M list
> at LISTSERV.LINGUISTLIST.ORG. If you simply forward  it back to the  
> list, using
> a mail command that generates "Resent-"  fields (ask your local user  
> support or
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> it will  be
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> function of your mail program.
> ----------------- Message requiring your approval (13 lines)  
> ------------------
> I previously announced this on ADS-L but wanted to extend the
> invitation here as well. I've set up a group for ADS members on the
> professional networking site LinkedIn. If you're interested in
> joining, click on the link below:
> http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/103237
> Regards,
> Ben Zimmer
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ADS-M, the announcement list of the American Dialect Society - http://americandialect.org

ADS-M, the announcement list of the American Dialect Society - http://americandialect.org

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